1. Write Some Text

Note: At the present moment this demo requires you to disable browser CORS. This is because publicly available timestamp authority servers do not allow cross origin requests. In a full working implementation, this would not be the case.

Enter text into the editor below. All keystrokes are recorded and added to the history. Every 20 seconds the editor will submit all recent edits to the Sectigo Timestamp Authority Server. Note that Sectigo only receives the hash (a fingerprint) of your edits, not the full edit contents.

2. Export the History

When you are done with your edits, click the button below to export your timestamped history to a file. At this point your document is ready to be validated, possibly by an external validation service.

If you do not want to disable CORS restrictions, but still want to proceed you can download the following demo document to use in the next step: demo-tale-of-two-cities.json

3. Validate the History

At this point you take the history exported from the previous step and send it to a validation service. This service would first verify the cryptographic integrity of the timestamps in the history. The next step would be to then classify your history as human via a heuristic analysis of all of your timestamped keystrokes. If your history is classified as human, the validation service would export your document to a signed PDF containing only the final text. You then take the PDF and distribute to whoever you want. Receivers of your document can check the PDF signature to verify that your text was written by a human. The PDF does not contain the text history.

At the present moment this demo does not include a human/robot classifier. The only thing we do is verify the cryptographic integrity and temporal monoticity of the edit history.